Baby CARE Packages
Tammy has a passion for mothers and newborn babies. She visits with new mothers and their babies, sharing the love of Jesus, praying with them, and giving them care packages.
We need continued support for 100+ Baby Care Packages per month.
Click here to sow into this ministry

The 500 Club / Feeding Center
Every Saturday Wayne, Tammy, and Haven come along side the Feeding Center, where they help feed and serve hundreds of orphans in the community. They play games, sing songs, and dance too.
We need Feeding Center donors. Just $10 per month. Our goal is to provide 350 to 700 children a meal each week.

Child Sponsorship
Help support children with their education. We are praying for that special person or family who will come along side these children, giving them a hope to one day pursue their dreams. The widowed moms I have been talking to say, “I cant think of school. My goal is to try and make sure my children have one meal a day.” Many children we work with have lost one or both parents.
Our prayer is that we would find sponsors who are willing to go over and beyond . Our hope is to have sponsors who are committed to not just coming along side their child financially, but also to pray and encourage them throughout their school years.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please message us or email us at: andrusfamilymission@gmail.com
Thank you so much to those who are already sponsoring!

Come Visit Us!
Come visit us and experience firsthand all that God is doing here in Mombasa, Kenya, Africa! Join us for a week or two and minister alongside of us as we love-on and bless and help the local people of our area. It’s a beautiful experience that you will never forget!
Contact us for details at: andrusfamilymission@gmail.com

Let us share our vision with you
Our family will be in the United States on the following dates, and we would love to share more with you about all that God is doing in Mombasa, Kenya!
– November 2021 to January 2022.
If you are interested in having us visit your church, small group, or Sunday School, or even meeting up one-on-one for coffee or lunch, please contact us!
You can text or email us at:
(Our dates above are subject to international flight schedules.)